安全研究员Jeremiah Fowler在15个伊利诺伊州发现了无保障数据库,暴露了敏感的选民数据。 Security researcher Jeremiah Fowler found unsecured databases in 15 Illinois counties, exposing sensitive voter data.
安全研究员Jeremiah Fowler在15个伊利诺伊州发现了无保障数据库,暴露了敏感的选民数据,包括社会保障号码和地址。 Security researcher Jeremiah Fowler discovered unsecured databases in 15 Illinois counties, exposing sensitive voter data, including Social Security numbers and addresses. 这些数据库与白金技术资源相关联, 引起了对潜在身份盗窃的担忧, 尽管专家认为不会影响即将到来的选举, The databases, linked to Platinum Technology Resource, raised concerns about potential identity theft, although experts believe it won't affect upcoming elections. Platinum否认有任何数据泄漏,但后来根据Fowler的报告采取了新的安全措施。 Platinum denied any data leaks but has since implemented new security measures following Fowler's report.