爱荷华州国务卿提议制定新法律, 将非公民从选民名册上除名, 并加强选举安全。 Iowa's Secretary of State proposes new laws to remove non-citizens from voter rolls and enhance election security.
爱荷华州国务卿保罗·佩特(Paul Pate)提出新法律,以识别选民名册上的非公民,赋予审计员取消登记的权力。 Iowa's Secretary of State Paul Pate proposes new laws to identify non-citizens on voter rolls, giving auditors the power to cancel their registrations. 这些建议包括要求国防部分享非公民数据,并允许国家与联邦机构签订核查合同。 The proposals include requiring the DOT to share non-citizen data and allowing the state to contract with federal agencies for verification. Pate还旨在查阅联邦SAVE移民身份名单,推动一致的选举重新计票程序和加强网络安全监督。 Pate also aims to access the federal SAVE list for immigration statuses and push for consistent election recount procedures and enhanced cybersecurity oversight.