宾夕法尼亚州最高法院裁定,根据该州公共记录法,电子投票数据不得公开发布。 Pennsylvania's highest court ruled that electronic voting data is not subject to public release under state's public records law.
宾夕法尼亚州最高法院裁定,根据该州公共记录法,电子投票数据(包括与每次投票相关的电子表格)不得公开发布。 Pennsylvania's highest court ruled that electronic voting data, including spreadsheets associated with every ballot cast, is not subject to public release under the state's public records law. 法院的决定是在一名选举研究人员要求提供 2020 年大选期间莱康明县的“投票记录”后做出的,该研究人员的工作助长了右翼对投票程序的攻击。 The court's decision came after a request by an election researcher, whose work has fueled right-wing attacks on voting procedures, for "cast vote records" from Lycoming County during the 2020 General Election. 法院裁定,根据宾夕法尼亚州选举法,这些记录包含有关个人选票的详细信息,不得公开获取。 The court ruled that these records, which contain detailed information about individual votes, are not publicly accessible under Pennsylvania's Elections Code.