科罗拉多州投票系统密码不小心在网上公布,从而提出了改进安全措施的建议。 Colorado's voting system passwords were accidentally published online, leading to recommendations for better security measures.
一项调查发现,科罗拉多州的投票系统密码因一系列意外事件而意外张贴在国务卿的网站上,没有官员故意不当行为。 An investigation found that Colorado's voting system passwords were accidentally posted on the Secretary of State's website due to a series of unforeseen events, with no intentional wrongdoing by officials. 密码被一个前雇员隐藏在档案中,而雇员不知道隐藏标签的情况。 The passwords were hidden in a file by a former employee, and employees did not know about the hidden tabs. 建议包括改进密码保护和公布文件审查清单。 Recommendations include better password protection and a review checklist for posted documents. 民主党拒绝了对这一事件的审计请求。 Democrats rejected an audit request for the incident.