Antrim的餐馆经理Michael Yin在法庭出庭,被指控犯有重大大麻贩运罪。 Michael Yin, a restaurant manager from Antrim, appears in court accused of major cannabis trafficking.
Antrim的44岁的餐馆经理Michael Yin在贝尔法斯特法院出庭,被控犯有毒品罪,包括持有和供应价值75 000英镑的大麻。 Michael Yin, a 44-year-old restaurant manager from Antrim, appeared in Belfast court accused of drug offenses, including possession and supply of cannabis worth £75,000. 警方声称他是毒品网络中 与中国犯罪团伙有关的关键人物 Police claim he's a key figure in a drug network linked to a Chinese crime gang. 尽管他的律师辩称他不知道这些毒品,但阿曼达·亨德森法官由于风险再犯而拒绝保释。 Despite his lawyer arguing he was unaware of the drugs, Judge Amanda Henderson denied bail due to reoffending risks. 案件将休庭至1月16日。 The case is adjourned until January 16.