联合国秘书长古特雷斯宣布臭氧层恢复已走上正轨,这归功于《蒙特利尔议定书》的进展。 UN Secretary-General Guterres announces ozone layer recovery on track, attributing progress to the Montreal Protocol.
联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯宣布,臭氧层的恢复正在按部就班地进行,将这一进展归功于1987年为逐步淘汰消耗臭氧物质而设立的《蒙特利尔议定书》。 UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced the ozone layer's recovery is on track, attributing this progress to the Montreal Protocol, established in 1987 to phase out ozone-depleting substances. 尽管气候变化挑战持续存在,但国际努力已导致有害化学品大幅减少,预测到本世纪中期将全面恢复。 Despite ongoing climate change challenges, international efforts have led to a significant reduction in harmful chemicals, with predictions of full recovery by mid-century. 古特雷斯强调全球合作在解决环境问题方面的重要性。 Guterres emphasized the importance of global cooperation in addressing environmental issues.