巴基斯坦总理谢里夫强调保护臭氧层,并赞扬国际努力,承诺到2025年将消耗臭氧层物质减少67.5%。 Pakistani PM Sharif emphasizes ozone layer preservation and praises international efforts, pledging a 67.5% reduction of ozone-depleting substances by 2025.
在世界臭氧日,巴基斯坦总理穆罕默德·谢巴兹·谢里夫强调该国致力于保护臭氧层,并赞扬包括《蒙特利尔议定书》在内的国际努力。 On World Ozone Day, Pakistan's Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif emphasized the nation's dedication to ozone layer preservation and praised international efforts, including the Montreal Protocol. 自1992年批准以来,巴基斯坦在减少消耗臭氧层物质方面取得了重大进展,目标是到2025年将消耗臭氧层物质减少67.5%。 Since ratifying it in 1992, Pakistan has made significant strides in reducing ozone-depleting substances, aiming for a 67.5% reduction by 2025. Sharif还强调了全球合作对环境可持续性和气候行动的重要性。 Sharif also highlighted the importance of global cooperation for environmental sustainability and climate action.