英国各大学要求提高学费,增加政府资金,以支付英格兰各大学不断上涨的费用。 Universities UK calls for higher tuition fees and increased government funding to cover rising costs in England's universities.
联合王国大学代表141个机构,倡导提高学费和增加政府资金,以解决英格兰大学面临的财政赤字。 Universities UK (UUK), representing 141 institutions, is advocating for higher tuition fees and increased government funding to address financial deficits facing England's universities. 自2017年以来,目前的学费上限为9 250英镑,没有跟上费用上涨的步伐。 Current tuition fees, capped at £9,250 since 2017, have not kept pace with rising costs. UUK建议,如果教学投资与通货膨胀相符,资金将约为12 000英镑至13 000英镑。 UUK suggests that if teaching investment had matched inflation, funding would be around £12,000-£13,000. 他们强调,任何增加学费都应为学生提供额外支助。 They emphasize that any fee increase should come with additional support for students.