Robex Resources同意支付22.3M美元,增加政府对于Nampala金矿的股份,并与马里2023年《采矿法》保持一致。 Robex Resources agrees to pay $22.3M, increase gov't stake in Nampala Gold Mine, and align with Mali's 2023 Mining Code.
Robex Resources Inc. 与马里政府达成协议,在2023年12月31日之前解决与Nampala金矿有关的所有税收和海关索赔。 Robex Resources Inc. has reached an agreement with the Malian government to settle all tax and customs claims related to its Nampala Gold Mine before December 31, 2023. 这笔交易包括大约2 230万美元的付款,以及政府对于Nampala SA的股份从10%增加到20%。 The deal includes a payment of approximately $22.3 million and an increase in the government's stake in Nampala SA from 10% to 20%. 这一伙伴关系旨在促进进一步投资和创造就业机会,同时与马里新的2023年《采矿法》保持一致。 This partnership aims to facilitate further investments and job creation, while also aligning with Mali's new 2023 Mining Code. 预计90天内将执行协定。 Execution of the agreement is expected within 90 days.