儿童乘客安全月促进妥善使用汽车座椅,将婴儿死亡风险降低71%。 Child Passenger Safety Month promotes proper car seat use to reduce infant fatality risks by 71%.
儿童乘客安全月强调急需妥善使用汽车座椅,强调正确安装的汽车座椅可以使婴儿的死亡率降低高达71%。 Child Passenger Safety Month emphasizes the critical need for proper car seat use, highlighting that correctly installed car seats can reduce fatality risks by up to 71% for infants. 许多座位被不当使用或安装,促使一些州采取免费汽车座椅检查等举措。 Many seats are improperly used or installed, prompting initiatives like free car seat checks in several states. 敦促父母根据孩子的年龄、体重和身高选择适当的座位,并确保安装正确,以加强车辆安全。 Parents are urged to choose appropriate seats based on their child's age, weight, and height and to ensure correct installation to enhance safety in vehicles.