在英国测试安全带不当使用、识别和处理驾车违规情况时使用AI摄像头。 AI cameras in the UK test for improper seatbelt use, identifying & tackling driving infractions.
在联合王国,正在测试AI摄影机,以查明未适当佩戴安全带的驾驶员和其他驾驶违规者。 In the UK, AI cameras are being tested to identify motorists not wearing seatbelts properly, along with other driving infractions. 罪犯可能因不收留儿童而面临最高500英镑的罚款,因不当使用安全带而面临最高100英镑的罚款,这也会导致罚款点数和在线教育。 Offenders can face fines of up to £500 for not securing children and £100 for improper seatbelt use, which also incurs penalty points and online education. 该系统旨在促进正确使用安全带,强调包括儿童在内的所有乘客的安全措施。 The system aims to promote correct seatbelt usage, emphasizing safety measures for all passengers, including children. 某些豁免适用于特定驾驶情况。 Certain exemptions apply for specific driving situations.