加利福尼亚州用微芯片升级EBT卡,以在1月前打击每月1 500美元的盗窃。 California upgrades EBT cards with microchips to combat $15M monthly theft by January.
加利福尼亚州将推出新的电子养恤金转移卡,内嵌微芯片,以加强安全,该卡将推迟到1月。 California will launch new electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards with embedded microchips for enhanced security, delayed until January. 此次升级旨在打击由盗取设备引起的盗窃浪潮,该浪潮每月使低收入家庭损失超过 1500 万美元。 This upgrade aims to combat a theft wave costing low-income families over $15 million monthly, caused by skimming devices. 自2015年以来,这些卡片将成为美国第一个具有高级欺诈防护措施的首张。 These cards will be the first in the U.S. with advanced fraud protection since 2015. 加利福尼亚州为升级拨款5 000万美元,其中将包括磁条作为备份。 California has allocated $50 million for the upgrade, which will include a magnetic stripe as a backup.