巴基斯坦总理出席在阿塞拜疆举行的气候峰会, 重点是为发展中国家提供气候支持。 Pakistani PM attends Climate Summit in Azerbaijan, focuses on climate support for developing nations.
巴基斯坦总理谢赫巴兹·谢里夫正在出席在阿塞拜疆巴库举行的世界领导人气候行动首脑会议,作为缔约方会议第二十九届会议的一部分。 Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif of Pakistan is attending the World Leaders' Climate Action Summit in Baku, Azerbaijan, as part of COP29. 他将于11月13日发言,重点讨论气候挑战并寻求对发展中国家的全球支持。 He will speak on November 13, focusing on climate challenges and seeking global support for developing countries. 谢里夫还将会见世界领导人并参加高级别活动和圆桌会议,强调巴基斯坦易受极端天气事件影响的脆弱性。 Sharif will also meet world leaders and participate in high-level events and roundtables, highlighting Pakistan's vulnerability to extreme weather events.