老年人,特别是妇女,在生活发生重大变化后,遭受社会排斥,导致孤独和孤立。 Older adults, especially women, experience social exclusion after significant life changes, leading to loneliness and isolation.
该条强调老年人,特别是妇女受到社会排斥,在生活发生重大变化之后,往往象配偶中风一样,她们受到社会排斥。 The article highlights social exclusion among older adults, especially women, often following significant life changes, like a spouse’s stroke. 研究表明,这一人口群体更容易受到孤独和孤立感的影响。 Research indicates this demographic is more susceptible to feelings of loneliness and isolation. 关键因素包括优越性、习惯行为和无知交织在一起。 Key factors include coupled superiority, habitual behaviors, and unawareness. 为打击排斥现象,它鼓励个人邀请他人,探索新的活动,扶持社区,强调包容的重要性。 To combat exclusion, it encourages individuals to invite others, explore new activities, and foster supportive communities, stressing the importance of inclusion.