新的研究将孤独与心脏病、中风和感染风险的增加联系起来。 New study links loneliness to increased risks of heart disease, stroke, and infections.
最近英国和中国的研究将孤独与心脏病、中风和感染的较高风险联系起来。 Recent UK and China research links loneliness to higher risks of heart disease, stroke, and infections. 研究分析了42 000多名成年人的蛋白质,发现社会孤立和孤独增加了某些与炎症和免疫反应挂钩的蛋白质的水平,导致疾病和过早死亡的风险增加。 Analyzing proteins from over 42,000 adults, the study found that social isolation and loneliness increase levels of certain proteins tied to inflammation and immune responses, leading to higher risks of diseases and early death. 这凸显了社会联系在维持健康方面的重要性,以及将孤独作为一个公共卫生问题加以解决的必要性。 This highlights the importance of social connections in maintaining health and the need to address loneliness as a public health issue.