马里兰州的家长请最高法院恢复禁止LGBTQ包容性故事书的权利. Maryland parents petition Supreme Court to restore opt-out right against LGBTQ-inclusive storybooks.
马里兰州的父母已经向美国最高法院申请恢复他们选择不让孩子在小学读LGBTQ的故事书的权利. Maryland parents have petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to restore their right to opt their children out of LGBTQ-inclusive storybooks in elementary schools. 在此之前,蒙哥马利州教育委员会改变了政策,取消了2023-2024学年的选择退出选择。 This follows a Montgomery County Board of Education policy change that eliminated the opt-out option for the 2023-2024 school year. 家长认为这侵犯了他们的第一修正案权利,违反了马里兰州法律,而学校董事会则认为,该政策促进包容性,防止污名化。 The parents argue this infringes on their First Amendment rights and contradicts Maryland law, while the school board maintains that the policy promotes inclusivity and prevents stigma.