今年,大英格利亚铁路工作人员通过自杀预防培训挽救了20条生命。 20 lives saved by Greater Anglia railway staff through suicide prevention training this year.
大安格利亚铁路工作人员今年通过撒玛利亚人提供的自杀预防培训挽救了 20 人的生命。 Greater Anglia railway staff have saved 20 lives this year through suicide prevention training provided by the Samaritans. 在过去三年中,141名雇员完成了为期一天的课程,重点是管理自杀接触和提供敏感支助。 In the past three years, 141 employees completed a one-day course focused on managing suicidal contacts and offering sensitive support. 该公司旨在增加训练有素的工作人员,并与撒玛利亚人和英国运输警察合作,防止铁路自杀。 The company aims to increase trained staff and collaborates with the Samaritans and British Transport Police to prevent railway suicides. 据Georgia Payne说,每失去一条生命,就有六条获救。 According to Georgia Payne, for every life lost, six are saved.