73%犹豫不决的妇女支持在家中免费进行国家保健服务的宫颈癌检查,这可能使检查率增加400 000人。 73% of hesitant women support free NHS at-home cervical tests, potentially increasing screening rates by 400,000.
英格兰健康观察组织的一项民意调查发现,在 2,400 名对宫颈筛查犹豫不决的女性中,有 73% 的人支持由 NHS 免费提供家庭检测。 A poll by Healthwatch England found that 73% of 2,400 women hesitant about cervical screenings support at-home tests if provided for free by the NHS. 许多人援引不舒适和尴尬作为不参加传统筛查的理由,2023年,近三分之一的合格妇女没有接受她们的建议。 Many cite discomfort and embarrassment as reasons for not participating in traditional screenings, with nearly a third of eligible women not taking up their offer in 2023. 研究人员正在调查DIY成套材料的安全和有效性,这可能会使英格兰每年的检查率增加40万。 Researchers are investigating the safety and effectiveness of DIY kits, which could increase annual screening rates in England by 400,000.