法国研究员Laurent Vinatier因涉嫌未登记的军事情报收集而在俄罗斯受审, French researcher Laurent Vinatier on trial in Russia for allegedly unregistered military information collection, facing up to 5 years.
法国研究员Laurent Vinatier在俄罗斯受审, 被控收集军事情报, Laurent Vinatier, a French researcher, is on trial in Russia for allegedly collecting military information without registering as a "foreign agent." 他于6月被捕, 法俄关系日益紧张, 他面临长达五年的监禁。 Arrested in June amid rising Franco-Russian tensions, he faces up to five years in prison. Vinatier已认罪,这可能会将他可能被判处的刑期缩短到三年多一点。 Vinatier has pleaded guilty, which may reduce his potential sentence to just over three years. 法国认为对他的拘留是任意的,并主张释放他,批评俄罗斯的外国代理法律。 France deems his detention arbitrary and is advocating for his release, criticizing Russia's foreign agent laws.