俄罗斯物理学家瓦列里·戈卢布金因向荷兰泄露高超音速技术机密,被判叛国罪,被判处 12 年监禁。 12-year prison sentence for Russian physicist Valery Golubkin convicted of treason for sharing hypersonic tech secrets with the Netherlands.
俄罗斯法院确认物理学家瓦列里·戈卢布金因涉嫌与荷兰分享高超音速技术机密而被判叛国罪,判处其 12 年监禁。 Russian court confirms 12-year prison sentence for physicist Valery Golubkin, convicted of treason for allegedly sharing hypersonic tech secrets with the Netherlands. 戈卢布金的案件是近年来俄罗斯科学家因向外国人泄露敏感信息而被指控叛国罪的案例之一。 Golubkin's case is part of a recent trend involving Russian scientists being charged with treason for sharing sensitive information with foreigners. 他的辩护团队辩称,他的监禁损害了俄罗斯的司法系统和科学环境。 His defense team argues that his imprisonment harms both the judicial system and the scientific landscape in Russia.