66岁的Bruce Hintz因性虐待一名4至8岁女孩而被判处14.5年监禁,承认犯有强奸罪,并另外提出16项指控。 66-year-old Bruce Hintz sentenced to 14.5 years for sexually abusing a girl from ages 4 to 8, admitting guilt to rape and 16 additional charges.
布鲁斯·欣茨 (Bruce Hintz) 是一位66岁的纳皮尔人, 他因性侵4岁至8岁的女孩而被判处14年半的监禁, Bruce Hintz, a 66-year-old man from Napier, was sentenced to 14.5 years in prison for sexually abusing a girl from ages 4 to 8, whom he filmed and photographed. 受害者现已成年,他们分享了虐待的深刻影响,包括药物斗争和自杀思想。 The victim, now an adult, shared the profound impacts of the abuse, including substance struggles and suicidal thoughts. Hintz对强奸和另外16项指控认罪。 Hintz pleaded guilty to rape and 16 additional charges. 法官授权销毁犯罪材料,并将Hintz列入儿童性犯罪者登记册。 The judge mandated the destruction of the incriminating materials and placed Hintz on the child sex offender registry.