56%的美国选民支持特朗普的关税提案, 使他的经济优势高于哈里斯。 56% U.S. voters support Trump's tariff proposal, giving him an economic edge over Harris.
美国有不少选民支持特朗普提议提高进口关税, 尤其是来自中国的产品, 这表明他在即将举行的选举中可能比副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯 (Kamala Harris) 拥有经济优势. A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll indicates that a slight majority of U.S. voters support Donald Trump's proposal to raise tariffs on imports, especially from China, suggesting he may have an economic edge over Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming election. 民调显示56%赞成所有进口品10%的关税,60%赞成中国进口品60%的关税。 The poll shows 56% favor a 10% tariff on all imports and a 60% tariff on Chinese imports. 尽管如此,经济专家告诫说,这种政策可能会减缓增长。 Despite this, economic experts caution that such policies could slow growth. 哈里斯目前在全国领先5分. Harris currently holds a 5-point national lead.