前总统特朗普因没有谴责俄亥俄州斯普林菲尔德的炸弹威胁,而是指责非法移民而受到批评。 Former President Trump faced criticism for not condemning bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio, and instead blaming illegal migrants.
前总统唐纳德·特朗普因未谴责俄亥俄州斯普林菲尔德的炸弹威胁而面临批评, Former President Donald Trump has faced criticism for not condemning bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio, which resulted in evacuations of city officials, schools, and hospitals. 这些威胁还包括威滕堡大学可能发生的枪击事件。 The threats also included a potential shooting at Wittenberg University. Trump提出,非法移民应该受到谴责,批评者则认为,他的不作为可能煽动进一步的暴力。 Instead of addressing the incidents, Trump suggested that illegal migrants were to blame, with critics arguing that his inaction could incite further violence.