一个炸弹威胁袭击了俄亥俄州市政厅斯普林菲尔德,促使撤离和警方作出重大反应。 A bomb threat targeted Springfield, Ohio's City Hall, prompting evacuations and a significant police response.
炸弹威胁袭击了斯普林菲尔德、俄亥俄的市政厅和其他地方设施,促使人们撤离并引起警方的强烈反应。 A bomb threat targeted Springfield, Ohio's City Hall and other local facilities, prompting evacuations and a significant police response. 包括前总统特朗普在内的右翼政客毫无根据地声称海地移民在绑架和食用宠物。 The threat arose amid unfounded claims by right-wing politicians, including former President Trump, alleging that Haitian immigrants were abducting and consuming pets. 市政府官员将这些谣言斥为毫无根据,保证没有关于此类活动的可信报告。 City officials dismissed these rumors as baseless, assuring no credible reports of such activities exist. 调查正在进行中,建议提高社区警惕。 The investigation is ongoing, with heightened community vigilance advised.