Trump总统的返回引发了对批评家和前官员报复的恐惧。 Return of President Trump sparks fear of retaliation against critics and former officials.
批评者和前官员担心特朗普总统在复职后可能遭到报复。 Critics and former officials worry about potential retaliation from President Trump after his return to office. 那些像Olivia Troye这样大声反对他的人,面临着调查、税务审计或取消安全许可的恐惧。 Those who have spoken out against him, like Olivia Troye, face fears of investigations, tax audits, or revocation of security clearances. 特朗普暗示要针对那些冤枉他的人,导致一些人考虑离开该国,直到情况得到澄清。 Trump has hinted at targeting those who wronged him, causing some to consider leaving the country until the situation clarifies. 历史上没有完全的相似之处, 但是由于过去对他对手的报复行动, 令人十分担忧。 There's no exact historical parallel, but concerns are high due to past retaliatory actions against his opponents.