前总统特朗普在访谈中讨论了第二次暗杀企图,敦促民主党减少敌对言论。 Former President Trump discussed a second assassination attempt during an interview and urged Democrats to reduce hostile rhetoric.
在接受“Full Measure”的独家采访时,前总统唐纳德·特朗普在他的海湖庄园住所讨论了对他的威胁,包括第二次暗杀企图。 In an exclusive interview with 'Full Measure,' former President Donald Trump discussed threats against him, including a second assassination attempt, while at his Mar-a-Lago residence. 他敦促民主党在总统候选人的安全关切下,不要发表敌对言论。 He urged Democrats to tone down hostile rhetoric amid safety concerns for presidential candidates. 像拜登总统和哈里斯副总统这样的高知名度人物 将特朗普称为"对民主的危险的威胁" High-profile figures like President Biden and Vice President Harris have labeled Trump a "dangerous threat to democracy." 特朗普还分享了他的计划 如果他赢得哈里斯在选举中。 Trump also shared his plans if he wins against Harris in the election. 访谈可在电视或STIRR应用程序上观看。 The interview can be viewed on TV or the STIRR app.