印度政府援引敏感材料, 拖延最高法院Clegium的高等法院首席法官任命。 Indian government cites sensitive material delaying Supreme Court Collegium's high court chief justice appointments.
印度政府告知最高法院, “敏感材料”拖延了最高法院 Collegium对高等法院首席法官的建议的执行。 The Indian government has informed the Supreme Court that "sensitive material" is delaying the implementation of the Supreme Court Collegium's recommendations for high court chief justices. R. Venkatramani总检察长指出,公开披露这些细节可能会损害该机构的利益。 Attorney General R. Venkatramani noted that disclosing these details publicly could harm the institution's interests. 最高法院将于9月20日再次审理此案,处理关于发出司法任命通知时限的请求以及对影响司法独立性的拖延的关切。 The Supreme Court will hear the case again on September 20, addressing a plea for a time limit on notifying judicial appointments and concerns over delays affecting judicial independence.