澳大利亚全国党提议在联邦选举前降低汽油价格、啤酒价格和学生贷款折扣。 Australian National Party proposes cheaper petrol, lower beer prices, and student loan discounts ahead of federal election.
澳大利亚全国党在联邦选举之前提出生活费措施,包括更便宜的汽油、较低的啤酒价格和学生贷款折扣,特别是地区学生的折扣。 The Australian National Party is proposing cost-of-living measures ahead of the federal election, including cheaper petrol, lower beer prices, and student loan discounts, particularly for those in regional areas. 它们旨在减少与通货膨胀有关的燃料消耗,减少酒精税。 They aim to cut fuel excise linked to inflation and reduce taxes on alcohol. 其他讨论包括按揭救济、航空竞争加剧和农业政策,例如取消对活羊出口的禁令和重新实行农业签证。 Other discussions included mortgage relief, increased airline competition, and agricultural policies, such as overturning a live sheep export ban and reintroducing an agricultural visa.