据称伊朗雇用犯罪集团对西方国家的持不同政见者进行有针对性的袭击。 Iran allegedly hires criminal groups for targeted attacks on dissidents in Western nations.
据报道,伊朗政府正在雇佣犯罪组织,包括 Hells Angels 和俄罗斯帮派“Thieves in Law”,以美国、德国和英国等西方国家的流亡异见人士为目标。 The Iranian government is reportedly hiring criminal organizations, including the Hells Angels and the Russian gang "Thieves in Law," to target exiled dissidents in Western nations like the US, Germany, and the UK. 这种转向外包暴力行动(包括绑架和暗杀)的做法在西方安全官员中引起震惊。 This shift towards outsourcing violent operations, including abductions and assassinations, has raised alarm among Western security officials. 伊朗否认这些指控,但在最近的国内抗议之后,对其间谍活动受到越来越多的监督。 Iran denies these allegations but has faced increasing scrutiny over its espionage activities following recent domestic protests.