以色列逮捕了近30名涉嫌为伊朗进行间谍活动的公民,以核科学家和军事基地为目标。 Israel arrests nearly 30 citizens suspected of spying for Iran, targeting nuclear scientists and military bases.
以色列当局逮捕了近30名犹太公民,他们涉嫌在9个秘密牢房为伊朗进行间谍活动。 Israeli authorities have arrested nearly 30 Jewish citizens suspected of spying for Iran in nine covert cells. 指称的间谍在过去两年里被伊朗情报部门招募,目的是暗杀以色列核科学家和军官,收集军事基地的情报。 The alleged spies, recruited by Iranian intelligence over the past two years, aimed to assassinate Israeli nuclear scientists and military officials and gather information on military bases. 这些逮捕行动震惊了以色列,特别是在与伊朗支持的团体不断发生冲突的情况下。 The arrests have alarmed Israel, especially amid ongoing conflicts with Iran-backed groups.