Dorset警署的探长Paul Kessell 承认饮酒驾驶有罪, 呼吸测试读数是法定限制的三倍以上。 Detective Superintendent Paul Kessell of Dorset Police pleaded guilty to drink-driving, with a breath test reading over three times the legal limit.
Dorset警察局的高级警官Paul Kessell警探在8月4日因驾驶不规则而被捕后,对酒后驾车认罪。 Detective Superintendent Paul Kessell, a senior officer in Dorset Police, has pleaded guilty to drink-driving after being arrested for erratic driving on August 4. 他的呼吸测试读数为每100毫升115微克酒精,是法定限量的三倍以上。 His breath test reading was 115 micrograms of alcohol per 100 milliliters, over three times the legal limit. Kessell曾批评过同僚的不当行为,他已被停职,11月5日,在提交判决前报告后,他将被判刑。 Kessell, who had previously criticized fellow officers for misconduct, has been suspended and will be sentenced on November 5 after a pre-sentence report. 他目前没有驾驶资格。 He is currently disqualified from driving.