一名涉嫌酒驾司机在比斯特附近发生 A34 车祸后被捕,呼气酒精浓度为 95ug;警方正在调查中。 Suspected drink driver with 95ug breath reading arrested after A34 crash near Bicester; police investigating.
在比斯特附近韦斯顿格林的 A34 公路上发生一起单车事故后,一名涉嫌酒驾的司机被捕,他的呼气酒精含量读数为 95 微克(超过法定限值的 2.7 倍)。 A suspected drink driver with a breath reading of 95ug (over 2.7 times the legal limit) was arrested after a single-vehicle crash on the A34 at Weston-on-the-Green near Bicester. 泰晤士河谷警察局道路警察部门正在调查此案。 Thames Valley Police Roads Policing unit is investigating the case. 此外,另一名男子因未能提供呼吸样本而被捕,此前有人报告该地区有酒后驾驶行为,导致车辆被扣押。 Additionally, another man was arrested for failing to provide a breath sample after a report of a drink driver in the area, resulting in vehicle seizure.