Claire Coughlan, 56岁, 被判醉酒驾车, 酒醉驾驶6次合法限制, 罚款200欧元, 禁止驾驶。 Claire Coughlan, 56, convicted of drunk driving with alcohol level six times legal limit, fined €200, banned from driving.
56岁的Claire Coughlan在2023年12月7日之后在Macroom地区法院因醉酒驾车而被定罪,当时发现她在车里开了瓶伏特加,是法定酒精限量的六倍以上。 Claire Coughlan, 56, was convicted of drunk driving in Macroom District Court after her December 7th, 2023, incident where she was found over six times the legal alcohol limit with an open bottle of vodka in her car. 她在没有有效驾照的情况下驾驶,从2022年5月起,她曾被定罪。 She was driving without a valid license and had a prior conviction from May 2022. Coughlan因醉酒驾车和无保险驾车分别被处以200欧元的罚款,禁止驾驶10年和2年。 Coughlan was fined €200 for both drunk driving and driving without insurance, with a ten-year and two-year driving ban, respectively.