大阪造船厂在焊接和用煤油清洗时发生爆炸,造成7人受伤;原因不明。 7 injured in Osaka shipyard explosion during welding and cleaning with kerosene; cause unknown.
大阪造船厂爆炸致7人受伤:6月6日,大阪一家造船厂发生爆炸,造成7名年龄在十几岁至三十多岁之间的人受伤。 7 injured in explosion at Osaka shipyard: On June 6, an explosion occurred at a shipyard in Osaka, injuring seven individuals aged between their teens and 30s. 爆炸发生在木津川沿岸的一处设施内,当时工人们正在用煤油焊接和清洗容器。 The explosion, which took place at a facility facing the Kizu River, occurred while the workers were welding and cleaning a vessel using kerosene. 爆炸原因仍在调查中。 The cause of the explosion is still under investigation.