Mallorca居民抗议旅游影响, Residents of Mallorca protest against tourism impact, citing rising rents, local displacement, and shift in focus by law enforcement.
马洛卡居民对旅游业的负面影响越来越感到沮丧,包括房租飞涨,房屋变成旅游住所。 Residents of Mallorca are expressing increasing frustration with the negative effects of tourism, including skyrocketing rents and the transformation of homes into tourist accommodations. 当地人报告说,他们感到流离失所,过分拥挤不堪,一些执法人员指出,重点已转向游客问题,而不是当地需要。 Locals report feeling displaced and overwhelmed by overcrowding, with some law enforcement officers noting a shift in focus towards tourists' problems instead of local needs. 这种情况引发了反旅游抗议,与夏威夷面临的类似问题进行了比较。 The situation has sparked anti-tourism protests, drawing comparisons to similar issues faced in Hawaii.