兰迪·马斯特罗撤回了纽约市公司律师的提名, Randy Mastro withdrew nomination as NYC Corporation Counsel due to anticipated rejection over conservative affiliations.
Randy Mastro撤回了纽约市公司律师的提名,预计市政会会会因他保守的从属关系而驳回他的提名。 Randy Mastro has withdrawn his nomination as New York City's corporation counsel, anticipating rejection from the City Council due to his conservative affiliations. 马斯特罗在有争议听证后批评这个过程不公平, 而市长Eric Adams则对讨论的政治性质感到悲哀。 After a contentious hearing, Mastro criticized the process as unfair, while Mayor Eric Adams lamented the political nature of the deliberations. 理事会对Mastro为所有城市官员服务的能力表示关切,并寻求为该职位争取一个更加团结的候选人。 The Council expressed concerns about Mastro's ability to serve all city officials and seeks a more unifying candidate for the position.