圣路易斯县因裙带关系而撤销罢免议员汉考克的请愿书,但调查仍在继续。 St. Louis County drops petition to oust Councilman Hancock over nepotism, but investigation continues.
尽管调查仍在继续,圣路易斯县检察官撤回了他们关于罢免议员丹尼斯·汉考克因任人唯亲的指控而提出的请愿。 St. Louis County prosecutors have withdrawn their petition to remove Councilman Dennis Hancock over nepotism allegations, though the investigation continues. Hancock被指控试图雇用其继女担任行政助理,这违反了密苏里禁止任人唯亲的规定。 Hancock was accused of attempting to hire his stepdaughter as an administrative assistant, which violates Missouri's nepotism ban. 撤销请愿的决定意味着不会立即作出裁决,但该案仍在审查之中。 The decision to withdraw the petition means no immediate ruling will be made, but the case is still under review.