纽约市市长小组试图驳回性攻击诉讼,因为被告一再不出庭作证。 NYC Mayor's team seeks to dismiss sexual assault lawsuit due to defendant's repeated failure to appear for depositions.
纽约市市长Eric Adams的法律团队 试图驳回Lorna Beach-Mathura对他提起的性攻击诉讼 New York City Mayor Eric Adams' legal team is seeking to dismiss a sexual assault lawsuit filed against him by Lorna Beach-Mathura. 他们辩称,她一再未能出庭作证,现在共有四份证词,没有正当理由,这表明她企图阻碍法律程序。 They argue that her repeated failures to attend scheduled depositions, now totaling four without valid reasons, indicate an attempt to obstruct the legal process. 1993年,Adams对Beach-Mathura提出性攻击诉讼,要求赔偿500多万美元,但Adams否认这一指控。 The lawsuit, which claims Adams sexually assaulted Beach-Mathura in 1993, seeks over $5 million in damages, a charge Adams denies.