纽约警察马修·比安基 (Mathew Bianchi) 解决了非官方"礼貌卡"使用的诉讼, NYC police officer Mathew Bianchi settles lawsuit over unofficial "courtesy cards" use, revealing potential corruption.
纽约市警官马修·比安奇 (Mathew Bianchi) 以 175,000 美元的价格与该市达成和解,揭露了有争议的“礼貌卡”使用,允许警官的朋友和家人逃避交通拦截。 New York City police officer Mathew Bianchi has settled a lawsuit with the city for $175,000, revealing the controversial use of "courtesy cards" that allow officers' friends and family to evade traffic stops. Bianchi指称,他们因拒绝兑现这些非官方卡片而遭到报复,这些卡片不为纽约警方所承认,但被视为优惠待遇。 Bianchi alleged retaliation for refusing to honor these unofficial cards, which are not recognized by the NYPD but have been treated as perks. 他呼吁加强监督和保护举报人,因为他们担心与使用举报人有关的腐败问题。 He calls for increased oversight and protection for whistleblowers amid concerns of corruption tied to their use.