加利福尼亚警察局允许有不当行为记录的警官悄悄辞职,使他们能够在没有问责制的情况下找到新的工作。 California police departments allow officers with misconduct records to resign quietly, enabling them to find new jobs without accountability.
加州警察局历来允许参与不当行为的警官悄悄辞职,从而掩盖了他们的记录。 California police departments have historically permitted officers involved in misconduct to resign quietly, thus obscuring their records. 这种做法使许多有问题历史的警官得以在没有问责制的情况下从事新的执法工作。 This practice has allowed numerous officers with problematic histories to secure new law enforcement jobs without accountability. 调查记者Katey Rusch强调这一趋势对透明度和公共安全的影响,因为各部门的目的是通过掩盖过去的行为来避免诉讼。 Investigative reporter Katey Rusch highlights the implications of this trend for transparency and public safety, as departments aim to avoid lawsuits by concealing past behavior.