欧盟敦促澳大利亚简化关键矿物的外国投资程序,使清洁能源和EV供应链多样化。 EU urges Australia to simplify foreign investment processes for critical minerals to diversify supply chain for clean energy and EVs.
欧洲联盟(欧盟)敦促澳大利亚简化外国投资程序,以增加获取关键矿物的机会。 The European Union (EU) is urging Australia to simplify foreign investment processes to enhance access to critical minerals. 欧盟加芙列尔·维森坦大使强调,这一请求的目的是使欧盟供应链多样化,确保清洁能源技术和电动车辆所需基本矿物的稳定供应。 EU Ambassador Gabriele Visentin emphasized that this request aims to diversify the EU's supply chain, ensuring a stable supply of essential minerals needed for clean energy technologies and electric vehicles. 加强与澳大利亚的联系对于满足欧盟对这些关键资源的工业需求至关重要。 Strengthening ties with Australia is crucial for meeting the EU's industrial demands for these key resources.