不列颠哥伦比亚省人权专员在餐馆和出租车中为指导狗使用者的权利提供教育资源。 British Columbia's Human Rights Commissioner introduces educational resources for guide-dog users' rights in restaurants and taxis.
不列颠哥伦比亚省人权专员引入了教育资源,旨在澄清餐馆和出租车业的导游使用者的权利。 British Columbia's Human Rights Commissioner has introduced educational resources aimed at clarifying the rights of guide-dog users in the restaurant and taxi industries. 这些工具于 9 月 10 日发布,旨在回应在获得服务方面遇到挑战的个人的投诉。 Released on September 10th, these tools respond to complaints from individuals who faced challenges accessing services. 该倡议力求提高工人对其对依赖指南或服务犬者的责任的认识,促进更好的服务和减少歧视。 The initiative seeks to enhance workers' understanding of their responsibilities towards those who rely on guide or service dogs, promoting better service and reducing discrimination.