维多利亚大区商场的服务犬主人发作事件强调了公众需要了解服务犬的作用. Service dog owner's seizure incident at Greater Victoria mall highlights need for public understanding of service dogs' role.
加拿大大维多利亚市一家商场发生的一起事件突出表明,需要提高公众对服务犬的认识。 An incident at a mall in Greater Victoria, Canada, underscores the need for public awareness regarding service dogs. 一名遭受癫痫的妇女得到其训练有素的服务犬的帮助,但一名旁观者通过抚摸狗而分散了狗的注意力,有可能危及狗主和狗主。 A woman experiencing a seizure was assisted by her trained service dog, but a bystander distracted the dog by petting it, potentially endangering both the owner and the dog. 专家强调,服务犬在工作时不应与服务犬互动,并建议旁观者清除雷区,如果需要援助,打911电话,优先考虑处理者和动物的安全。 Experts emphasize that service dogs should not be interacted with while working, and suggest bystanders clear the area and call 911 if assistance is needed, prioritizing the safety of both the handler and the animal.