班夫为收留被遗弃的狗而奋斗,审查SPCA协议以寻求更好的解决办法。 Banff struggles to house abandoned dogs, reviewing SPCA agreement for better solutions.
加拿大班夫镇在为无人索要的被遗弃或丢失的狗寻找住房方面正面临困难。 The Town of Banff, Canada, is facing difficulties in finding homes for abandoned or lost dogs that are not claimed by their owners. 该镇与Bow Valley SPCA有协议,但PSCA设施往往满满,让该镇暂时在不安全的小狗狗中照顾狗。 The town has an agreement with the Bow Valley SPCA, but often the SPCA facility is full, leaving the town to care for the dogs temporarily in insecure kennels. 他们目前正在审查他们与SPCA达成的协议,以便为这些动物找到更安全的长期解决办法。 They are now reviewing their agreement with the SPCA to find more secure long-term solutions for these animals.