34岁的James Pinker被判犯有性侵犯两名5岁儿童罪,被判处112年监禁。 34-year-old James Pinker, convicted of sexually assaulting two 5-year-olds, was sentenced to 112 years in prison.
James Pinker, 34岁,来自科罗拉多州Weld县,因2021年性攻击两名5岁女孩被判处112年监禁。 James Pinker, a 34-year-old from Weld County, Colorado, was sentenced to 112 years in prison for sexually assaulting two five-year-old girls in 2021. Pinker于8月30日被判刑,反映了其罪行的严重性。 Convicted of four counts of sexual assault, Pinker received his sentence on August 30, reflecting the severity of his crimes. 2021年12月报告了这些攻击事件,一名青少年还指控他在判刑期间曾遭受虐待,突出显示了他的行为的持续影响。 The assaults were reported in December 2021, and a teenager also accused him of past abuse during the sentencing, highlighting the ongoing impact of his actions.