42岁的Gwent警官John Stringer在卡迪夫刑事法院被判犯有对未成年人的性犯罪。 42-year-old Gwent police officer John Stringer was convicted of sexual offenses against a minor in Cardiff Crown Court.
42岁的Gwent警官John Stringer在卡迪夫刑事法院被判对13岁以下女孩犯有多项性犯罪。 Gwent police officer John Stringer, 42, was convicted of multiple sexual offenses against a girl under 13 at Cardiff Crown Court. 他被判犯有性侵犯和煽动儿童从事性活动罪。 He was found guilty of sexual assault and inciting the child to engage in sexual activity. 虐待发生在2019年12月至2021年7月之间,其间Stringer向受害人展示了色情材料并鼓励她模仿。 The abuse occurred between December 2019 and July 2021, during which Stringer showed the victim pornographic material and encouraged her to imitate it. 判决定于10月28日进行,他必须登记为性犯罪人。 Sentencing is set for October 28, and he will be required to register as a sex offender.