Jesse Bernard Floyd承认与未成年人拉客有罪,并面临至少125个月的监禁。 Jesse Bernard Floyd pleaded guilty to soliciting a minor and faced at least 125 months in prison.
南卡罗来纳州一名24岁的男子Jesse Bernard Floyd对涉及未成年人的多项指控认罪,包括性犯罪未遂、猥亵自由和通过计算机引诱儿童。 A 24-year-old South Carolina man, Jesse Bernard Floyd, pleaded guilty to multiple charges involving a minor, including attempted sexual offense, indecent liberties, and soliciting a child via computer. Floyd在社交媒体和企图的性行为中与孩子交了朋友,为此他被捕并被判处至少125个月的监禁。 Floyd befriended the child on social media and attempted sexual acts, for which he was caught and sentenced to a minimum of 125 months in prison. 释放后,他还必须登记为性犯罪人。 He will also be required to register as a sex offender upon release.