扎尔达里总统支持阿卜杜勒·卡迪尔汗医院信托基金(Abdul Qadeer Khan Hospital Trust),承诺解决问题。 President Zardari supports Abdul Qadeer Khan Hospital Trust, pledges to address issues.
阿西夫·阿里·扎尔达里总统在伊斯兰堡的一次会议上表示坚决支持阿卜杜勒·卡迪尔·汗医院信托基金。 President Asif Ali Zardari expressed strong support for the Abdul Qadeer Khan Hospital Trust during a meeting in Islamabad. 他赞扬为贫困社区提供免费医疗保健的信托基金,并感谢公众捐款。 He praised the Trust for providing free healthcare to underprivileged communities and acknowledged public donations. 信托基金会主席Dina Khan博士强调了各种挑战,包括据称前受托管理人的财务不当行为。 Dr. Dina Khan, chairperson of the Trust, highlighted challenges, including alleged financial misconduct by former trustees. 扎尔达里承诺解决这些问题,并确保信托基金继续向穷人提供服务。 Zardari committed to addressing these issues and ensuring the Trust's continued service to the needy.