Khyber Pakhtunkhwa CM Gandapur着重于改善获得保健服务的机会和加强Sehat卡方案。 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa CM Gandapur focuses on improving healthcare access and enhancing the Sehat Card program.
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa首席部长阿里·阿明·汗·甘达普尔将改善基层政府医院和医疗保健无障碍状况作为优先事项。 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Khan Gandapur has prioritized improving government hospitals and healthcare accessibility at the grassroots level. 他的政府正在加强Sehat Card方案,该方案通过解决低效率问题和防止滥用,提供免费保健。 His government is enhancing the Sehat Card program, which provides free healthcare, by addressing inefficiencies and preventing misuse. 计划包括增加人寿保险计划并启动骨髓和肝移植服务。 Plans include adding a life insurance scheme and launching bone marrow and liver transplant services. Gandapur寻求医务专业人员的投入,以进一步改革卫生部门。 Gandapur seeks input from medical professionals to further reform the health sector.