巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里承诺继续公共服务、开业医院、规划大学。 Pakistani President Zardari pledges continued public service, inaugurate hospital, plan university.
巴基斯坦总统阿西夫·阿里·扎尔达里(Asif Ali Zaardari)在苏库尔Ziauddin医院落成典礼期间,承诺继续让布托家族继承公共服务遗产。 Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, during the inauguration of Ziauddin Hospital in Sukkur, pledged to continue the Bhutto family's legacy of public service. 最先进的医院旨在改善本区域的医疗保健和社会经济福祉。 The state-of-the-art hospital aims to improve healthcare and socio-economic well-being in the region. 扎尔达里赞扬了医院在引进先进技术和熟练专业人员方面所作的努力。 Zardari praised the hospital's efforts in bringing advanced technology and skilled professionals. 他还宣布了政府为医院校园一所大学提供资金的计划,以及他个人为海得拉巴校园捐赠土地的计划。 He also announced plans for the government to fund a university at the hospital's campus and his personal donation of land for a campus in Hyderabad.